The Quest for the perfect ASP.Net MVC code : Let the games begin
Please note that the source has changed a lot lately, and that I now use a proper viewmodel instead of domain objects, so all hardlinked references to the domain objects & controllers in the MVC project have disappeared. This also automaticly made my ugly domain object extension methods to get the controller action links completely redundant.
You can see the latest version on github.
The next thing to do is split up the mapping bit using a proper mapping tool (f.e. AutoMapper).
Edit 2:
New article here : The Quest for the perfect ASP.Net MVC code : v0.3
// For a while I have been looking for the perfect ASP.Net MVC code.
// This is the cleanest code I have been able to write.
// I would like to challenge everyone to do better !!!
// By this I mean creating a better controller/views if possible codewise.
// The focus is not on the layout stuff, but having it might be a plus.
// The scope : a very rudimentary Task list (KISS)
// Some more info about my approach :
// It uses view models which contain both data and ActionLink references
// (like ICommand in WPF M-V-VM )
// You can download the full source here :
// You will see it is very easy to alter, just download it and press F5
// Please do let me know what you think about my approach as well,
// and whether you could do better: ToJans@twitter
// Send this link to as much fellow coders as possible, so we can see lots of alternatives
// PS: you can also leave a comment @ my website (look at my twitter account)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Controller :
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace Tasks.Core.Controllers
public class TaskController : Controller
// for the sake of the demo we do not use DI
// but just a static class instance here with a fake repo
static IRepository<Task> rTask = rTask ?? new FakeRepository<Task>(null);
public ActionResult Index()
return View(new VMIndex()
AllTasks = rTask.Find.OrderBy(o => o.Name),
AL_AddTask = this.ActionLink("Add new task",c=>c.AddNewTask(null,null))
public ActionResult AddNewTask(string name,string description)
var t = new Task() { Description = description, Name = name };
return this.RedirectToAction(c => c.Index());
public ActionResult Done(int id)
var t = rTask.GetById(id);
t.Done = !t.Done;
return this.RedirectToAction(c=>c.Index());
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
var t = rTask.GetById(id);
return View(new VMEdit()
Name = t.Name,
Description = t.Description,
AL_PostEdit = this.ActionLink("Save changes",c=>c.PostEdit(t.Id,null,null)),
AL_CancelEdit = this.ActionLink("Cancel changes",c=>c.Index())
public ActionResult PostEdit(int id,string name,string description)
var t = rTask.GetById(id);
t.Name = name;
t.Description = description;
return this.RedirectToAction(c => c.Index());
public ActionResult Delete(int id)
return this.RedirectToAction(c => c.Index());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Index.Spark
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<viewdata model="Tasks.Core.ViewModel.Tasks.VMIndex" />
<content name="Title">
<content name="Main">
<h1>Task list</h1>
<if condition="Model.AllTasks.Count()==0">
No tasks yet.
<tr each="var t in Model.AllTasks">
<td><alink a="t.AL_Status()" /></td>
<td><alink a="t.AL_Edit()" /> </td>
<td><alink a="t.AL_Delete()" /> </td>
<hr />
<h3>Add a new task</h3>
<aform a="Model.AL_AddTask">
<label for="Name">Name :</label><br />
<input type="text" name="Name" /><br />
<label for="Description">Description:</label><br />
<textarea cols="20" rows="2" name="Description" ></textarea><br />
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Edit.Spark
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<viewdata model="Tasks.Core.ViewModel.Tasks.VMEdit" />
<content name="Title">
<content name="Main">
<h3>Edit this task</h3>
<aform a="Model.AL_PostEdit">
<label for="Name">Name :</label><br/>
<input type="text" value="${Model.Name}" name="Name" /><br/>
<label for="Description">Description:</label><br/>
<textarea cols="20" rows="2" name="Description" >${Model.Description}</textarea><br />
<alink a="Model.AL_CancelEdit" />